
Examples of Viruses

  :Examples of Viruses Just as there are many types of malware, there are also many varieties of viruses. That said, it is important to remember that the definition of malware is much broader and includes a wide variety of techniques and methods. Viruses, on the other hand, are similar in the sense that they all rely on self-replication to infect new hosts. Common types of viruses include: Boot Sector Virus Browser Hijacker Direct Action Virus File Infector Virus Macro Virus Multipartite Virus Overwrite Virus Polymorphic Virus Resident Virus Web Scripting Virus Reference: https://www.crowdstrike.com/cybersecurity-101/malware/malware-vs-virus/

Examples of Malware

  Examples of Malware Malware is an umbrella term used to describe any type of malicious software, regardless of its operations, intent or distribution mechanism. Common types of malware include: Bots and Botnets Cryptojacking Exploits Fileless Malware Keyloggers Malvertising Mobile Malware Ransomware Rootkits Spyware Trojan Virus Worms :Reference The Difference Between Malware and a Virus | CrowdStrike

Difference Between Computer Viruses and Malware (Video)


Computer Viruse

Computer Viruse What is a computer virus? Computer viruses are a type of malware that earned their name because of how they spread by "infecting" other files on a disk or computer. Viruses then spread to other disk drives and machines when the infected files are received in downloads from websites, email attachments, shared drives or when carried in files on physical media, such as USB drives or—in the early days—floppy disks. Reference: Malware and Computer Virus Facts & FAQs (kaspersky.com)